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Slow Burn

Build Up Without Burning Out

Slow Burn is an innovative 8-Week Running and Strength Program that will build you up without burning you out.



"Unknowns can be scary, amazing, and everything in between. This program was all of that and more! Throughout the 8 weeks, Slow Burn reinforced some life skills while making me stronger than I thought possible and run faster than I ever realized I could. I surprised myself on each and every run. The biggest gain I got was the understanding that training is never, ever wasted."

-Fran, NH




Runners are an overachieving bunch - we are strong AF. We set ambitious goals and will do whatever it takes to reach them. 


We gravitate towards superlatives, towards aggressive plans that promise results that are worthy of our efforts. 


Perhaps this, more than any other reason, is why so many of us burn out year after year, race after race.


Without a race, we lack the structure, support, guidance and community that keeps our fire burning. 


How do we keep a fire burning without burning out?





"I'm 58 years old, and have found my passion for running again! I just completed Slow Burn and I have to say, HOLY COW! And I'm saying that in a great way. At the end of the 8 weeks I feel stronger and more confident than I've ever felt, and I'm not even training for a race yet! "

-Janet, FL



"As a result of working with MK for the past 3.5 years, I've been running 5 days per week, which includes my current streak of 57-injury-free weeks! I even ran throughout a Texas summer!" 

-Tricia, TX




It's easy to get caught up in superlatives when comparing training plans, looking for the new-est, the best-est, the most effective, for 'the best of the best and nothing less'.


At Fitness Protection, we think of it more in terms of 'a best next step'. Whether you have your eyes on a big fall race or are hoping not to lose momentum during an unfocused period, Slow Burn can be your best next step in every direction.




"I can feel my glutes firing now! I feel it when I stand, I feel it when I walk, they push me forward when I walk or get out of a chair- my booty is like a rocket-launcher!"

- Helen, TX




A rocket-launching booty is pretty spectacular, and will get you anywhere you want to go. So will Slow Burn. 



In Slow Burn Participants will learn: 


  • A new perspective on the work you do

  • How to make hard workouts work for you

  • How to build a strong fall or winter season without burning out 



Join a thriving community of runners led by a team of knowledgable, compassionate coaches who are invested in your success and make 2020 your best year yet!  



Start Date: Jan 6th


We are committed to respecting the privacy and security of your personal information. We receive and securely store the information you provide to us when you register for, or otherwise use, the Site such as your name, email address, phone number, age,  address, credit card information and any feedback, questions, or recommendations you provide.  

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